Confused quotes are one way we can resolves our pains from confusion by relating to others before us that have shared similar situations. We are constantly confused by what life throws at us for example, we are confused by our grades in school, relationships, social norms, and more. If we look at the negativity of the confusing situation, we will easily let the confusion take over our emotions and we will go from simply feeling confused to feeling bad about ourselves and even sometimes those that we love most around us. So
confused quotes that help us accept the fact that we are confused and help us actually enjoy that we have stumbled upon an idea or an obstacle in our lives that has put us in a state of confusion because being confused is actually an opportunity to discover where we lack knowledge and can lead to great progress in our own lives, in the lives of others, through simple ideas or through complex new technologies.
Confused quotes can include famous
confused quotes by the celebs or smartest and brightest people of our time or they can be as simple as things regular ordinary people say or even sometimes what a young boy or girl might say when confused about the magnificent world around them.

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